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Friday, August 31, 2012

[ What's your story? ]

Well, first week of classes are over! This semester is going to go by so quickly. So much to get done, but its going to be fun. This past Tuesday when I walked into the class that I have been having nightmares about; I was shocked with what was said. When the professor walked in, he immediately started off the class with a story. A story about "his story". A story about his newly born twin girls. When God blessed him and his wife with not one child, but two. The way in which he shared this "Wow God story" was so beautiful. I wish I could tell you the story the way he did. After he finished I was completely speechless. The first thing that came to my mind was "wow, I wish I had a life story that was this wonderful." Our homework that night was to write out "our "Wow God" story." I had never actually put any thought into what I would consider "my story," or something that has changed my life for the better of me. I always hear about these amazing stories of cancer survivors, amazing missionary experiences, etc. I guess I always thought that these jaw dropping stories were what I should be waiting for as "My WOW story" to share with others. I was wrong, God has already done this for me. I just needed to be reminded, and as we grow, our "Wow God stories" will only get better.  So in fact, I do have an amazing that no one else has. God wrote it out for me that night.

Have you thought about  your "Wow God story" yet? Has God done something in your life that you believe has changed your outlook on life forever? Pray and he will make it clear to you. :)

When you're down to nothing, God is up to something.

1 comment:

  1. Love the quote at the end:)
    Your photos are seriously so gorgeous! Keep up the good work.

    <3 Leney
